Центральный Дом Знаний - Авиабаза Баграм

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Авиабаза Баграм

Авиабаза Баграм (координаты: широта 34°56’46"N 34.946139; долгота 69°15’54"E 69.264972), крупнейшая авиабаза вооруженных сил США и коалиции в Афганистане. Расположена в провинции Парван в 11 километрах на юго-восток от города Чарикар и в 47 километрах к северу от Кабула.

Взлетно-посадочная полоса длиной 3.000 метров была построена в 1976 году и способна принимать тяжелые транспортные самолеты и стратегические бомбардировщики. На июнь 2005 года авиабаза Баграм используется для доставки грузов тяжелыми транспортными самолетами C-17 Globemaster III.

В 80-х годах ХХ века авиабаза Баграм принадлежала СССР, на её территории располагался 378-й штурмовой авиаполк. В 1987 году на территории базы был сооружен мемориал в честь пятерых советских лётчиков, погибших при исполнении интернационального долга. Фамилии летчиков: Алёшин, Земляков, Палтусов, Бурак и Герой Советского Союза Павлюков. Во время военных действий мемориал был разрушен и восстановлен в 2006 году американскими солдатами: сержантом ВВС США Дэвидом Кили, Раймондом Россом и Томом Кларком. В 2008 году снесён.

Bagram Air Base - known and referred to by US military as Bagram Airfield - (ICAO: OAIX) is a militarized airport and housing complex that is located next to the ancient city of Bagram, 11 kilometres (6.8 mi) southeast of Charikar in Parwan province of Afghanistan. The base is run by an Army Division headed by a two-star general. Thus the base exists to serve an Army Mission. A large part of the base, however, is "owned" by the Air Force (455th Air Expeditionary Wing). The area under Air Force control (about half of the overall base) includes the flight line, the ramp, and most of the area involving air mission resources. The Air Force mission exists to support the Army in accomplishing the overall Army mission. Thus, the Army correctly refers to the overall base as "Bagram Airfield" and the Air Force correctly refers to its area as "Bagram Air Base." The base engineers (within Task Force Wolverine) maintain the maps delineating the areas controlled by the two services. The base is currently occupied and maintained by the Combined Joint Task Force 101st Airborne Division(CJTF-101), having taken over from the 82nd Infantry Division in the first half of 2010. The airfield is occupied and maintained by 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade (Task Force Falcon) and 2/3 GSAB (Task Force Knighthawk) of the United States Army, with the 455th Air Expeditionary Wing of the United States Air Force and other U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Coast Guard, and their NATO/ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) coalition partner units having sizable tenant populations.

Bagram Air Base has three large hangars, a control tower, and numerous support buildings. There are more than 32 acres (130,000 m²) of ramp space and five aircraft dispersal areas, with a total of over 110 revetments. Many support buildings and base housing built by the Soviet Armed Forces during their occupation were destroyed by years of fighting between various warring Afghan factions after the Soviets left. New barracks and office buildings are slowly being constructed at the present time. There is also Bagram Theater Internment Facility, a detention centre which has been criticized in the past for its abusive treatment of prisoners. In May 2010, the International Committee of the Red Cross revealed that since August 2009 it was informed by US authorities about inmates of a second prison where detainees are held in isolation and without access to the International Red Cross that is usually guaranteed to all prisoners.

The ICAO ID is OAIX and it is specifically at 34.944N, 69.259E at 1,492 metres (4,895 ft) above sea level. The base had a single 3,003 metres (9,852 ft) runway built in 1976. A second runway, 3,500 metres (11,500 ft) long, was built and completed by the US military in late 2006, at a cost of USD$68 million. This new runway is 497 metres (1,631 ft) longer than the previous one and 280 millimetres (11 in) thicker, giving it the ability to land larger aircraft, such as the C-5 Galaxy, C-17 Globemaster III or the Boeing 747.



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