Центральный Дом Знаний - Адвентизм

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Адвентизм (лат. adventus — пришествие), религиозное движение, зародившееся в начале XIX века среди групп баптистов, методистов и других протестантов и поначалу объединявшего тех христиан различных вероисповеданий, которые ожидали скорого Второго пришествия Христа.

Летом 1831 г. проповедник баптистской общины г. Гемптона Уильям Миллер (1782—1849) объявил, что ему удалось, изучая Библию, вычислить точную дату пришествия Христа — 21 марта1843 г. — и выпустил книгу «Доказательства Писания и истории о втором пришествии Христа в 1843 г., изложенные в обзоре докладов». После этого члены многих протестантских деноминаций присоединились к адвентистскому движению. Пришествия Христа в рассчитанные сроки не произошло, и впоследствии сам У. Миллер признал доктринальную ошибку, которая привела его к неправильному толкованию Библии. После «Великого разочарования», вызванного ошибочным толкованием библейских пророчеств, Миллер, а также многие его ученики и последователи старались более не называть точных сроков Второго пришествия и ограничились утверждением, что в 1844 г. Христос вошел в Святая Святых Небесного Святилища (Храма) и начал там особое посредническое служение. Из различных направлений и течений, возникших после раскола миллеритского движения, наиболее известна Церковь адвентистов седьмого дня, которая имеет собственную централизованную организацию в мировом масштабе.

Из других ныне существующих адвентистских вероисповеданий известны адвентисты-реформисты, Христианская Церковь Пришествия и Церковь Бога (Седьмого Дня) (все немногочисленны). Последователи Христианской Церкви Пришествия, в отличие от адвентистов седьмого дня, не признают трудов Елены Уайт, празднуют воскресенье, а не субботу и не соблюдают пищевых ограничений. Христианская Церковь Пришествия также имеет не централизованное, а конгрегациональное устройство. Церковь Бога (Седьмого дня) отрицает ортодоксальное учение о Троице: «Исповедуем, что Небесный Отец и Иисус — это две … личности, в то время как Святой Дух — это есть Их сила, которая послана на Землю к человечеству».

Adventism is a Christian movement which began in the 19th century, in the context of the Second Great Awakening revival in the United States. The name refers to belief in the imminent Second Coming (or "Second Advent") of Jesus Christ. It was started by William Miller, whose followers became known as Millerites. Today, the largest church within the movement is the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

The Adventist family of churches are regarded today as conservative Protestants. While they hold much in common, their theology differs on whether theintermediate state is unconscious sleep or consciousness, whether the ultimate punishment of the wicked is annihilation or eternal torment, the nature of immortality, whether or not the wicked are resurrected, and whether the sanctuary of Daniel 8 refers to the one in heaven or on earth. The movement has encouraged the examination of the New Testament, leading them to observe the Sabbath.

Adventism began as an inter-denominational movement. Its most vocal leader was William Miller. Between 50,000 and 100,000 people in the United States supported Miller's predictions of Christ's return. After the "Great Disappointment" of October 22, 1844 many people in the movement gave up on Adventism. Of those remaining Adventist, the majority gave up believing in any prophetic (biblical) significance for the October 22 date, yet they remained expectant of the near Advent (second coming of Jesus). Of those who retained the October 22 date, many maintained that Jesus had come not literally but "spiritually", and consequently were known as "spiritualizers". A small minority held that something concrete had indeed happened on October 22, but this event had been misinterpreted. This viewpoint later emerged and crystallized with the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the largest remaining body today.

The Albany Conference in 1845, attended by 61 delegates, was called to attempt to determine the future course and meaning of the Millerite movement. Following this meeting, the "Millerites" then became known as "Adventists" or "Second Adventists". However, the delegates disagreed on several theological points. Four groups emerged from the conference: The Evangelical Adventists, The Life and Advent Union, the Advent Christian Church, and the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

The largest group organized as the American Millennial Association, a portion of which was later known as the Evangelical Adventist Church.[1] Unique among the Adventists, they believed in an eternal hell and consciousness in death. They declined in numbers, and by 1916 their name did not appear in the United States Census of Religious Bodies. It has diminished to almost non-existence today. Their main publication was the Advent Herald,[3] of which Sylvester Bliss was the editor until his death in 1863. It was later called the Messiah’s Herald.

The Life and Advent Union was founded by George Storrs in the year of 1863. He had established The Bible Examiner in 1842. It merged with the Adventist Christian Church in 1964.

The Advent Christian Church officially formed in 1861, and grew rapidly at first. It declined a little over the 20th century. The Advent Christians publish the four magazines The Advent Christian Witness, Advent Christian News, Advent Christian Missions and Maranatha. They also operate a liberal arts college at Aurora, Illinois; and a Bible College at Lennox, Massachusetts. The Primitive Advent Christian Church later separated from a few congregations in West Virginia.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church officially formed in 1863. It believes in the sanctity of the seventh-day Sabbath as a holy day for worship. It published theAdventist Review and Sabbath Herald. It has grown to a large worldwide denomination and has a significant network of medical and educational institutions.

Miller did not join any of the movements, and spent the last few years of his life working for unity, before dying in 1849.



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